1) It is raining,____________? a) doesn´t it? b) isnt´t it? 2) I am the tallest, _______? a) aren´t I ? b) isn´t I ? 3) We have a fast car,______? a) don´t we ? b) aren´t we ? 4) Her eyes are green, ______? a) don´t they? b) aren´t they? 5) I am not the best, ________? a) am I ? b) are I ? 6) Today isn´t Monday,__________? a) does it ? b) is it? 7) We don´t have pens,__________? a) don´t we? b) do we ? 8) They aren´t hungry,_____________? a) do they ? b) are they ? 9) You don´t smoke,_______? a) are you ? b) do you ? 10) Lions aren´t small, ________? a) do they ? b) are they ? 11) I am late today, ______? a) do I ? b) aren´t I ? 12) The beach is nice, ________? a) doesn´t it ? b) isn´t it ?

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