1) equivalent  a) equa b) to improve c) strong and with feeling 2) antibodies a) involving the heart and blood vessels b) real , not false c) substance produced by the body to fight germs and infections 3) killer a) great amazing b) make you feel happier c) really impress me 4) cheer you up a) make you feel happier b) strong and with feeling c) to improve 5) to tell you the truth a) make you feel happier b) to cause someone to do something c) to tell you exactly how I feel 6) getting to a) annoying or bothering b) really impress me c) great amazing 7) blow me away a) make you feel happier b) great amazing c) to improve d) really impress me 8) The...... The building, the more the electricity bill has increased a) Longer b) Large c) Rooms d) Smaller 9) The ... the joke. the harder the audience laughs a) Very funny b) Funnyier c) sillyd d) Stupidity 10) -i wish i ……….to get the joke, i need to improve my english a) had be able b) have being able c) had been able d) has been able 11) i wish i…. her jokes funny a) found b) find c) finding d) finded 12) The new Tv sitcom is….. a funny show that everyone in my class watches it. a) such b) so 13) We laughed……much that we had tears in our eyes. a) so b) such 14) .I...... the children would stop interrupting a) I wish b) Had Sen c) Wouldn't d) use 15) .I wish he...... use his cell phone in class. a) Not used b) use c) Wouldn't d) Don't 16) the mice were…….Of the cat a) Frightening b) Fright c) Frighten d) Frightened 17) my grandfather’s stories about his childhood are  a) Amusing b) Amused c) Amuse d) Amusingly 18) The story about the green aliens ……….. true. It might be a prank. a) Can’t be b) Could c) Must d) Might 19) The story about the green aliens…………………… true. It might have been a prank a) Can’t have been b) Conld c) May d) Can’t 20) Someone who can speak both Arabic and English is a) bilingual b) puzzled c) fascinated d) irritated 21) Someone who is very interested in something is a) remarkable b) puzzled c) irritated d) fascinated



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