1) What are you doing to got to work? a) I´m using a jet b) I´m not walking to school c) I´m riding my bike to work. d) I´m carpooling with friends. e) I´m riding a 6 valv truck, power! f) I´m spending a lot of gas on a long commute. 2) What are politicians doing to avoid this crisis? a) They are playing cards b) Politicians are not helping poor people. c) They are adopting sustainable policies d) Politicians are hiring environmental experts e) Politicians are not funding sustainable projects f) They are traveling more in private jets 3) What is your friend doing to save energy? a) He is hanging his clothes to dry b) He is not riding his bike. c) Juan is using a dishwasher. d) Juan is buying microfiber clothes every month. e) He is not eating more vegetables. f) Juan is not using cloth bags. 4) What are we doing to stop water waste? a) We are not taking shorter showers. b) We are not washing our cars with buckets. c) Our team is buying new dishwashers to save water. d) Our team is harvesting rainwater. e) We are turning the water on, while brushing our teeth. f) We are using leaky toilets. 5) What is Maria doing to change her lifestyle? a) She is walking more. b) She is not eating too much meat. c) Maria is not taking shorter showers d) Maria is buying a big SUV e) She´s washing her clothes with very hot water. f) Maria is not saving food supplies.




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