1) Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel? 2) Would you like (I, show) you the sights of the city? 3) We expect (she, set) the table by the time we come. 4) I want (she, tell) me the news. 5) I don't want (they, be late) for dinner. 6) He expected (she, invite) him to the party. 7) They found (the lecture, be) boring. 8) I wish (my mother, buy) the dress by Saturday. 9) We considered (he, be) an honest person. 10) I know (he, learn) this poem by heart. 11) them/She/ to read/ wanted /that book. 12) I/ him/ expect / in a minute/ to come. 13) wishes / John /to do / the work/ her/ at once. 14) well / to study/ Sarah /The teacher expected. 15) to come/They/ him/ know/ in time. 16) this girl/ He/ to be/ believes/ his wife. 17) I/ this computer game/ find/ exciting/ to be. 18) her children/ to dance/ The Mother /likes. 19) I think she will phone. (expect) 20) My father said I could use his car. (allow) 21) I suggested that she should go home. (ask) 22) I asked my friend 'Can you help me?' (ask) 23) I think you should know the truth. (want)


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