1) I didn’t like _______ of the pairs of glasses you chose. They’re awful a) both b) either 2) There’s _____ cure for this particular condition, but it’s not life-threatening a) no b) any 3) It affects everybody differently, so there’s_______ hope we will find a treatment a) little b) few 4) Have you tried ________ of these antibiotics? a) neither b) either 5) It’s a new procedure which only _____ surgeons have tried a) a few b) a little 6) Take these pills and if there isn’t _____ change in a week, come back a) no b) any 7) It’s almost impossible to say how ______ time he has left a) much b) many 8) Life as a junior doctor is hard – _______ my colleagues have already quit a) several b) some of 9) He has good and bad days; on some days he’s up and on _______ days he’s down a) other b) another

Determiners B2



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