PORTFOLIOS - collection of images, color boards and other multi-media for presentation purposes, PORTIERES - window treatment used in cased door openings made of two separate drapery panels tied back, utilizing identical or contrasting fabrics on each side, QUARTER-SAWN - logs cut in quarters lengthwise to reveal intricate wood grain, RECESSED LIGHT - lighting fixture installed within a ceiling, RECTILINEAR - straight lined, REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - scaled drawing of a space indicating all ceiling fixtures and height transitions., REPEAT - vertical and horizontal numerical measurements relating to the pattern of woven or printed fabric , distance from a point in a pattern to the same point where it occurs again, REPOUSSÉ - decorative metalwork outlined and embossed , hammered or punched on the back side, REPRODUCTION - a copy, imitation or duplication of an original object, style or structure, RESILIENCE - ability of carpet fibers to spring back to original shape after being crushed,

Interior Design-Glossary 22



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