
7. sinif İngilizce

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7th Grade Unit 6.03 - Quantifiers
7th Grade Unit 6.03 - Quantifiers Kuis
Past Simple Cümle kurma
Past Simple Cümle kurma Membuka kotak
7th Grade Unit 6.07
7th Grade Unit 6.07 Lengkapi kalimatnya
Party Types: Vocabulary
Party Types: Vocabulary Menemukan kecocokan
7th Grade - Unit 7.6 (will/won't)
7th Grade - Unit 7.6 (will/won't) Benar atau salah
Which animal is it?
Which animal is it? Kartu lampu kilat
Classifying animals
Classifying animals Pengurutan grup
Appearance and Personality Kelime Eşleştirme
Appearance and Personality Kelime Eşleştirme Permainan Pencocokan
İngilizce 7. sınıf 1. ünite
İngilizce 7. sınıf 1. ünite Kuis gameshow
7. sınıf   ingilizce
7. sınıf ingilizce Permainan Pencocokan
7th Grade Unit 6.05
7th Grade Unit 6.05 Membuka kotak
7th Grade - Unit 10.07 (Comparative and Superlative)
7th Grade - Unit 10.07 (Comparative and Superlative) Kuis
Party Equipment
Party Equipment Diagram berlabel
Unit 5: Television Programmes - Vocabulary
Unit 5: Television Programmes - Vocabulary Si Algojo
Grade 7, Unit 8: Public Buildings (Why...?)
Grade 7, Unit 8: Public Buildings (Why...?) Kuis
Animals and Body Parts
Animals and Body Parts Membuka kotak
Protecting the environment - should or shouldn't?
Protecting the environment - should or shouldn't? Roda acak
7th Grade Unit 6.04
7th Grade Unit 6.04 Kuis
Prefer Membuka kotak
8 Sınıf İngilizce #8
8 Sınıf İngilizce #8 Pengejaran dalam labirin
Speaking game
Speaking game Roda acak
Grade 7, Unit 8: Public Buildings - True or False?
Grade 7, Unit 8: Public Buildings - True or False? Benar atau salah
7.sınıf 2.ünite kelimeleri
7.sınıf 2.ünite kelimeleri Permainan Pencocokan
7. Sınıf 3. Ünite Biographies (Simple Past Tense)
7. Sınıf 3. Ünite Biographies (Simple Past Tense) Lengkapi kalimatnya
Quantifiers, Part Invitations - Revision
Quantifiers, Part Invitations - Revision Kuis gameshow
insan Permainan Pencocokan
7th Grades, Unit 9: The Environment - Missing Words
7th Grades, Unit 9: The Environment - Missing Words Lengkapi kalimatnya
present simple negative
present simple negative Benarkan Kalimat
7th Grades, Unit 9: Environment - Vocabulary Hangman
7th Grades, Unit 9: Environment - Vocabulary Hangman Si Algojo
özellikler Permainan Pencocokan
irregular verbs
irregular verbs Pasangan yang cocok
8 sınıf 7. Ünite
8 sınıf 7. Ünite Kuis
7. sınıf 4. ünite-should-shouldn't
7. sınıf 4. ünite-should-shouldn't Lengkapi kalimatnya
RECYLING Pengurutan grup
7.sınıf ingilizce 4.ünite wild animals
7.sınıf ingilizce 4.ünite wild animals Permainan Pencocokan
Unit 6: Celebrations - Word Combinations
Unit 6: Celebrations - Word Combinations Permainan Pencocokan
5 ünite: Television 7class
5 ünite: Television 7class Membuka kotak
hayvanlar Permainan Pencocokan
7.sınıf public buildings
7.sınıf public buildings Menemukan kecocokan
Should or Shouldn't?
Should or Shouldn't? Kuis gameshow
7th Grade Unit 6.01 - Celebrations
7th Grade Unit 6.01 - Celebrations Permainan Pencocokan
İngilizce 7. sınıf 2. ünite
İngilizce 7. sınıf 2. ünite Menemukan kecocokan
7th Grade - Unit 10.05 (Comparatives)
7th Grade - Unit 10.05 (Comparatives) Permainan Pencocokan
7. Sınıf 3. Ünite Biographies (Ismail Teacher)
7. Sınıf 3. Ünite Biographies (Ismail Teacher) Kuis gameshow
7th Grade - Unit 10.04 (Comparatives)
7th Grade - Unit 10.04 (Comparatives) Pengurutan grup
grade 8 unit 1
grade 8 unit 1 Menemukan kecocokan
7. sınıf 1. ünite kelime quız
7. sınıf 1. ünite kelime quız Kuis
7.sınıf 4.ünite
7.sınıf 4.ünite Kuis
ingilizce 7.sınıf 5.ünite
ingilizce 7.sınıf 5.ünite Kuis gameshow
English test Present Simple Tense
English test Present Simple Tense Kuis
Present Perfect Tense Revision
Present Perfect Tense Revision Membuka kotak
My Habits (Present Simple Tense Questions)
My Habits (Present Simple Tense Questions) Roda acak
Must Have to Mustn't
Must Have to Mustn't Kuis
CHORES Kuis gameshow
Giving Directions
Giving Directions Lengkapi kalimatnya
6. sınıf irregular verbs (2. etkinlik)
6. sınıf irregular verbs (2. etkinlik) Permainan Pencocokan
7. Sınıf Din Kültürü ve Ahlâk Bilgisi 1. Ünite Bilgi Yarışması
7. Sınıf Din Kültürü ve Ahlâk Bilgisi 1. Ünite Bilgi Yarışması Membuka kotak
Television Kuis gameshow
Mammals, Birds and Reptiles
Mammals, Birds and Reptiles Pengurutan grup
Basit-Türemiş-Birleşik Pengurutan grup
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