Serf - peasant who is legally bound to live and work on land owned by a lord, Vassal - a nobleman who received land from other noblemen in return for his service, Lord - a powerful landholding noble, Fief - an estate granted to a lord from a vassal, Hierarchy - a system for ranking members of a group according to their importance, Manor System - economic system used during the middle ages that revolved around self-sufficient farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land, Feudalism - a strict social system in which land owners grant people land in exchange for military service or labor, Convent - Religious community for women known as nuns, Missionary - Someone who tries to convert others to a particular religion, Sacrament - Sacred rites of Christianity such as baptism and communion, Pagan - Related to a religion with many gods, Clergy - People who are trained and ordained for religious services., Monastery - Secluded religious community for men,

A Game Of Surviving the Middle Ages

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