1) What did you do this week? 2) What was something fun you did this week? 3) What was something you had to do this week that you didn’t care for? 4) Did you see anyone this week that you haven’t seen for a while? 5) Did you go visit anyone this week? 6) Did anyone come to visit your house this week? 7) Do you have any exciting stories to tell from the past week? 8) How many brothers and sisters do you have? 9) Are your brothers and sisters older or younger? 10) What are their names? 11) How do you like being a big/litter sister/brother? 12) What are your parents’ names? 13) Where does your Dad work / what does your dad do for a job? 14) Where does your Mom work / what does your dad do for a job? 15) What is your favorite thing to do as a family? 16) Do you have any pets? 17) What kind of pets do you have? 18) What are the names of your pets? 19) How old are you? 20) When is/was your birthday? 21) What did you do for last birthday? 22) If you could have the perfect birthday party, what would it be? 23) What is your favorite food? 24) What is one thing that your Mom/Dad makes for dinner that you just can’t stand? 25) What is your favorite kind of ice cream? 26) What is your favorite kind of candy? 27) What is your favorite color? 28) What is your favorite zoo animal? 29) What is your favorite time of the year? 30) Is your bedroom decorated? How is it decorated? 31) Do you have to share your bedroom with anyone? 32) If you could receive one thing in the whole world as a present right now, what would it be? 33) What do you want to be when you get older? Why? 34) What is the silliest thing you have ever said or done? 35) What do you like to spend your allowance on? 36) What is one thing you don’t know how to do that you wish you did? 37) Where do you go to school? 38) What grade are you in? 39) Do you like the grade you are in more or less than last year? 40) Do you ride the bus to school? 41) What is your teacher’s name? 42) What is your favorite thing to study at school? 43) What are you studying in school right now in math? …language arts? ..science? ..etc? 44) What is your least favorite thing to study? 45) Do you have lots of homework to do each night? 46) Who is your best friend? 47) Do you ever stay home from school sick? 48) When was the last time you stayed home? 49) What is your favorite book? 50) What is your favorite computer game?

SPEAKING A1-A2 level

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