atmosphere - the general mood, feeling or spirit of a story, characterisation - the way that the author creates characters, protagonist - the main character who is faced with a problem, antagonist - the person, place, idea or physical force against the protagonist, climax - the point of the highest dramatic intensity; the turning point, external conflict - tension that happens outside the character, internal conflict - tension that happens inside the character; (character vs. himself/herself), foreshadowing - clues of hints which prepare the reader for future action or events, irony - contrast or contradiction of what is expected and what results, verbal irony - occurs when a character or narrator says one thing but means the opposite, dramatic irony - occurs when the reader knows more than the character, situational irony - occurs when the contrast between what appears to be and what actually exists, plot - action of the story, chronological - places events in order of time from first to last, flashback - looks back at events that have already occurred, point of view - the angle from which the author tells the story, first person narrative - the narrator uses “I” and participates in the action, third person narrative - the narrator uses “he” and “she” and is an outside observer, omniscient - narrator can see, know and tell all of the characters of a story, limited omniscient - narrator can only see, know and tell all of one character, objective - narrator describes the characters statements but doesn’t reveal thoughts or feelings, resolution - the outcome of a story, setting - where the action takes place, suspense - anticipation as to the outcome of events, symbol - a similar object, action, person, or place or something else that stands for something abstract,

Short Stories Terms

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