How do you help out your friends and family?, What time do you normally get up during the week? What about the weekend? What do you usually do after you get up?, Is there anything you turned down but now regret it?, What is the best or worst thing your friends talked you into?, Have you ever borrowed money? Did you pay it back?, How often did you get together with your high school or elementary school friends?, Have you ever had to take care of someone or something (sibling, pet, babysitting, etc.)? Did you enjoy it?, What is your favourite place to eat out at?, Is there anyone you don’t get along with? Who and why?, Is there anything you need to cut down on? , What is something that you always put off until another day?, If you could do something over in your life, what would you do over?, Did you use to get into trouble when you were younger? What did you get into trouble for? , What lies have you told to get out of doing something? Did the person you tell believe you?, How long does it take you to get to class? Do you ever get to class late?, What time do you usually get back home after school/work? , How often do you get together with your friends? Where do you go? What do you do? , How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? What do you do to get ready?, Who do you get along with best at work or school? Why? Is there anybody you don't get along with very well? , When you want to get away for a few days, where do you go and what do you do?, If you could get away to any place in the world, where would you go?, If you could get away with anything in the world what would you do?  , What gets you down? What do you do to cheer yourself up? , How do you get around? Which is the best mode of transport for getting around where you live? Why? , Have you ever been turned down by a workplace? , Before you go shopping, do you usually write down what you have to buy? Do you only buy what's on the list? , What's the first thing you turn on after you wake up in the morning?.

Phrasal verbs conversation questions


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