1) My parents _____________ a new pair of trainers for my birthday. a) buy b) buyed c) bought 2) I _____________ to school yesterday because I was sick. a) go b) didn't go c) went 3) What ____________ you ______________ for dinner two days ago? a) did / eat b) did / ate c) do / eat 4) A: What's the matter? B: I have got a ______________. a) earache b) fever c) sore throat 5) I have a terrible toothache. What should I do? a) You should take a cool shower. b) You should drink warm herbal tea. c) You should go to the dentist. 6) What body part is this? a) elbow b) eyebrow c) ankle 7) My best friend ________________ a lot of cold juice yesterday, so she has a sore throat now. a) drink b) drank c) drinking 8) I _______________ my bedroom last weekend. a) cleaned b) clean c) cleaning 9) What body part is this? a) toes b) knee c) ankle 10) What time is it? a) It's quarter past seven. b) It's quarter to seven. c) It's three past seven. 11) What time is it? a) It's one o'clock. b) It's half past one. c) It's six past one. 12) What is the time? a) It's twenty past twelve. b) It's ten to twelve. c) It's twenty to twelve. 13) What's the time? a) It's ten to five. b) It's ten past five. c) It's two past five. 14) What body part is this? a) chin b) cheek c) tongue 15) A: What's the matter? B: I have got a ______________. a) stomach ache b) headache c) backache 16) I have a fever. What should I do? a) You should wear thick clothes. b) You should take a cool shower. c) You should eat junk food. 17) My sister ________________ all her homework on Friday. a) finished b) finish c) finishing 18) We ______________ out at the weekend. We ______________ at home. a) didn't went/stayed b) went / stayed c) didn't go/stayed 19) When ______________ your dad ______________ TV last night? -After dinner. a) did / watched b) did / watch c) do / watch 20) What body part is this? a) knee b) elbow c) mouth 21) What time is it? a) It's twenty-five past eight. b) It's seven to eight. c) It's twenty-five to eight. 22) We ______________ hide-and-seek with my friends last weekend. a) play b) played c) playing 23) I _______________ a book from the school library last month. a) borrowed b) borrow c) borrowing 24) My brother _______________ anything after breakfast. It's 8 p.m. and he is starving now. a) didn't eat b) didn't ate c) did eat

Revision (simple past, telling the time, vocabulary)

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