immediately - now or without waiting, tune - to make slight changes to a musical instrument before you play it so it produces the right notes, destroyed - something damaged so badly that it does not exist or cannot be used, chorus - the part of a song that is repeated several times, definitely - without any doubt, wardrobe - a large closet to keep clothes in, vocabulary - all the words you know in a particular language , conversation - a talk between two or more people, usually an informal one, attention - the state of watching, listening to, or thinking about something carefully or with interest, Feng Shui - an ancient Chinese belief that the way your house is built and the way you arrange objects affects your success, health and happiness, wannabes - a person or people who are trying to become famous, usually unsuccessfully , search engines - a computer program that finds information on the Internet by looking for words that you have typed in,

TT U3 L8 Vocabulary Definitions

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