Why don't you...powiedzieć jej o tym? - Why don't you tell her about it?, Why don't you...poprosić rodziców? - Why don't you ask your parents?, Why don't you...kupić mu śmieszny kubek? - Why don't you buy him a funny mug?, Why don't you...założyć Twoją ulubioną czerwoną koszulkę? - Why don't you wear your favourite red t-shirt?, I'm staying...w domu cioci - I'm staying at my aunt's house., I'm staying...u dziadków - I'm staying at my grandparents'., I'm staying...w nowoczesnym hotelu - I'm staying at a modern/new hotel., I'm staying...w hotelu w górach - I'm staying at a hotel in the mountains., I'm...wyczerpana - I'm exhausted/really tired, I'm...głodny jak wilk - I'm as hungry as a wolf, I'm...tak wysoki jak on - I'm as tall as him, I'm...znudzony - I'm bored, I'm...podekscytowany - I'm excited, I was...(+ing) czytałem komiks wczoraj - I was reading a comic yesterday, I was...(+ing) oglądać zabawną kreskówkę...when my mom came home. - I was watching a funny cartoon when my mum came home., I was...(+ing)...rozmawiać z dziewczyną z Włoch..when my phone died. - I was talking to a girl from Italy when my phone died., I was...(+ing)...wysyłać smsy do kolegi z klasy...when my phone died. - I was sending text messages to my friend from class when my phone died., It was...padać (deszcz) cały dzień - It was raining all day, It was...padać (śnieg) całą noc - It was snowing all night, It was...zimno i pochmurno - It was cold and cloudy, It was...chłodny poranek - It was a chilly/cool morning, The hotel room was...(przytulny) - The hotel room was cosy , The hotel room...(jest jasny i przestronny) - The hotel room is light/bright and roomy/big., The hotel room...(jest brudny i cuchnący) - The hotel room is dirty/messy and smelly/stinky., The hotel room...(nie jest zły) - The hotel room isn't bad.,

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