1) What did the North America trade with Europe? a) Cloth, guns and manufactured goods b) Nourishments and beverages c) They didn't trade anything d) Sugar, cotton and tobacco 2) What was the 'Bill of Mortality'? a) How many people have lived from the Plague b) A list of the causes of deaths in a place c) The people who have died from the Plague d) The amount of people 3) What was on the 'Middle Way'? a) Priests are allowed to marry b) The Catholics were executed if the didn't attend Church c) The Protestants have to learn Spanish d) The Bible were in Italian 4) Why did the Catholics wanted King James dead? a) Because they hated him b) Because King James put taxes c) Because King James would execute the Catholics priests if they don't leave England d) Because King James were a Protestant 5) Who was the leader of the Gunpowder Plot? a) Robert Catesby b) Guido Fawkes c) Thomas Percy d) Robert Winter 6) Why did Cromwell ban events? a) Because he doesn't want people to have fun b) Because he thinks it distracts people from God c) Because he hated looking at people being happy d) Because he didn't go to any events when he was young 7) What caused the Great Fire of London? a) It was an arson b) It was created by the little kids playing with fire c) Started from a small bakery d) The dragon spitted fire 8) What was King James II's big changes? a) He didn't give jobs to the army b) He forced the people to be Protestants c) He built an army because he was planning to start war d) King James wanted to rule without Parliament 9) Did William and Mary allow to have the Parliaments to decide on the taxes? a) Yes b) No 10) Where did the owners brand their initials? a) Face b) Chest c) Hand d) Ankle

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