Ahmed: Hello, what can I ____ for you today?Martina: Give me a moment to ____. Ahmed: ____ you like a hot drink or a cold ____? Martina: I’d ____ a hot drink, please Ahmed: Great! The ____ for the hot drinks is right over here. Martina: I think I’ll have an ____, please. I’ve ____ my mind. Ahmed: Good choice! What ____ would you like? Martina: I’d like a medium iced coffee for ____, please. Ahmed: Would you like ____ with that? Martina: No thank you. Ahmed: That’ll be ____ please Martina: Here you are! Ahmed: And here you are! *Gives the beverage* Take care, bye bye! Martina: Thank you, bye! Shay: Hello, welcome to ____!Leila: Hello. Give me moment to decide…. Where are the ____? Shay: Above me, please ____! Leila: I’d like a ____ iced capp, please. Shay: ____ anything else with that? Leila: Let me see…. I’d also like a ____ for my friend who is arriving shortly. Shay: What size would you like? Leila: A medium mint tea, please. Shay: Okay, that’ll be ____. Leila: Here you are, $5.00. Shay: ____ is your change. Here you are. Thank you for coming to Tim Horton’s Leila: Thank you, bye!

Linc 3: Ordering a Beverage Cloze


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