1) It _______ (rain) a lot a) has rain b) has rained  c) had rain d) had rained 2) We ______________ (not/play) tennis. a) haven't play b) haven't playt c) haven't plays d) haven't played 3) I ____________ (lost) my keys. a) have lost b) has lost c) have losed d) has losed 4) Why ________ you _________ (not/call) me? a) hasn't you call b) haven't you call c) haven't you called d) hasn't you called 5) Where ________ you _________ (be) this week? a) has you been b) have you be c) have you been d) has you be 6) Paul __________ (have) an accident. a) has had b) had has c) has have d) had have 7) She __________ (not/read) that book yet. a) hasn't readed b) haven't readed c) haven't read d) hasn't read 8) My sister ____________ (go) to bed. a) has went b) has gone c) have gone d) have went 9) I _________ (not/eat) lunch yet a) haven't eated b) haven't eat c) haven't eaten d) hasn't eaten 10) The train ___________ (arrive) to the station a) has arrived b) have arrived c) had arrive d) had arrived 11) The boys _________ (visit) the city a) has visited b) have visit c) has visit d) have visited 12) Where __________ your aunt ___________ (go)? a) has your aunt went b) have your aunt gone c) has your aunt gone d) have your aunt went 13) He _______________ (see) her this morning a) has seen  b) has see c) have see d) have seen 14) John _______________ (not/be) to the bank a) have not been b) has not be c) have not be d) has not been 15) My parents _______________ (not/plan) ther holidays yet a) haven't planned b) hasn't planned c) haven't plan d) hasn't plan

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