ANTHER - Plant organ that produces pollen, OVULE - The egg cell (female gamete), STIGMA - Plant organ adapted to collect pollen, FERTILISATION - The physical joining of male (sperm) and female (ova or ovule) gametes, NECTAR - Sugary food produced in flowers to attract bees and other pollinators. Produced in the nectary, STAMEN - Male part of the flower. Composed of the filament and the anther, POLLINATION - The transfer of pollen from one flower to another, OVARY - The part of the flower that produces ovules (eggs), FILAMENT - Stalk to hold anthers up to the wind or insects, STYLE - Leads from the plant stigma to the ovary, POLLEN TUBE - A tube that grows from the stigma to the ovule to transfer sperm, POLLEN - Produced by the anther. Contains sperm (male gamete), FLOWER - The seed generating part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs that are typically surrounded by coloured petals, CARPEL - Female part of the flower. Composed of stigma, style and ovary, SEPAL - Protective leaves that surround developing flowers, PETAL - Outer part of the flower. Often coloured to attract pollinators,

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