1) … he helps his mother and then he goes shopping. a) First b) After c) Farther d) After then 2) We remember them. They were … neighbours a) ours b) them  c) mine d) our 3) We haven’t got … eggs in the fridge. a) any b) some c) much d) no 4) The farmer has got five cows and six … a) ship b) shiips c) sheep d) sheeps 5) He usually goes to school … foot. a) from b) on c) in d) at 6) I have no siblings so I am a/an … a) orphan b) single c) stepson d) only child 7) He … me to buy some fruit. a) told b) said c) spoke d) ask 8) That’s the man … wanted to speak to you. a) who b) which c) what d) whose 9) My grandfather is … person in my family. a) old b) the older c) the most old d) the oldest 10) They prefer French … a) cousin b) kitchen c) plate d) cuisine

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