1) Minsk is a … . a) city b) town c) village d) country 2) The street is … a) quite b) noisy c) tall d) length 3) The air is … a) hard b) polluted c) sticky d) cloudy 4) The tree is … a) tall b) plump c) slow d) bare-footed 5) The film is … a) exciting b) excited c) bored d) an interesting 6) He wanted to take … in the expedition a) place b) role c) part d) interest 7) Children like to … summer holidays at camps. a) spend  b) waste c) lead d) lose 8) The rain was so … that they decided to stay at home. a) huge b) big c) hard d) heavy 9) The boy, … is playing football, is my brother. a) which b) where c) who d) whose 10) The teacher … the boy to stand up. a) said b) told c) spoke d) talked

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