audi - hearing , -ar - pertaining to, aur- or ot - ear , blephar - eyelid , conjunctiv/o - mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid , -ectomy - surgical removal , irid - iris , lacrim - tears, myring - tympanic membrane, eardrum , nas or rhino - nose , ophthalm or opt - eye, vision , -opia - vision condition , -phasia - speech , presby - old age , retin  - retina , rrhea - flow or discharge , scler - sclera, white of the eye , -tomy - cut into, incision , tympan - tympanic membrane, ear drum,

3.04 Medical Terms - Sensory

Papan Peringkat

Gaya visual


Berganti templat

Pulihkan simpan otomatis: ?