1) Washbag a) To put dirty clothes b) To carry clothes for travelling 2) Sleeping bag a) To sleep in it during camping b) To carry sleeping clothes 3) Phrasebook a) Used to communicate b) Used to find places 4) Torch a) To cut things b) To give light when it is very dark 5) Penknife a) Useful in the Antarctica b) Useful during camping 6) Swimming trunks a) Needed at the beach b) Needed at the bathroom 7) Suncream a) Needed in the Arctic b) Needed in Australia 8) Waterproofs a) Probably needed in the Sahara desert b) Probably needed in a rainforest 9) Tent a) Important for camping b) Important for rainy day 10) Insect spray a) We need it in dry places b) We need it in wet places 11) Guidebook a) Used to find places b) Used to communicate 12) Soap and shampoo a) Found in the bathroom b) Found at the swimming pool

Y5Unit8: Going Away

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