1) ... is a train of gigantic waves that occur after the earthquake or volcanic eruption . a) b) c) d) 2) It can be as high as 30 metres, travel as fast as a jet plane and go as far inland as 2 kilomertes. a) volcanic eruption b) tornado c) tsunami d) mudslide 3) They are fast moving landslides that occur after heavy rains. a) muslides b) forest fires c) tsunamis d) floods 4) They are caused by the movement of the earth's plates. a) b) c) d) 5) It occurs when there has not been enough rain so that crops and plants can't grow a) famine b) drought c) flood d) epidemic 6) Lightning can start them but usually careless people do. a) b) c) 7) The worst natural disaster and cost the most money. It occurs when storms cause rivers overflow or by high tides. a) tsunami b) avalanche c) flood d) hurricane 8) Most of them are located in the Pacific Ocean. There are between 1,300 to 1,500 them on the Earth a) b) c) d) 9) They usually travel only a few miles but can destroy everything in their wake. a) avalaches b) tornados c) forest fires d) mudslides 10) They occur in the mountains after fresh snowfalls and can travel at 80 miles an hour. a) mudslides b) avalaches c) earthquakes d) tornados

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