Blank verse - Non-rhyming poetry, usually written in the Iambic Pentameter., Oxymoron - A contradiction in terms or ideas in a poem or a piece of writing. , Tone - The attitude or feeling implied in a poem. , Refrain - When a line of poetry is repeated., Anaphora - In writing or speech, the deliberate repetition. of the first part of the sentence in order to achieve an artistic effect., Sibilance - Words which make or contain 's' or 'sh' sounds in a poem. , Semantic Field - A collection of words in a poem related to one theme.. , Synaesthesia - Invoking the senses within a poem. , Colloquialism - An informal way of writing to replicate a natural way of expressing thoughts or feelings. , Ambiguity - A word or expression that demonstrates two or more possible meanings. , Caesura - A full stop or other punctuation that demonstrates a change of thought process or subject within a poem., Sonnet - A poem consisting of 14 lines with 3 quatrains. , Volta - The turn in thought in a sonnet, often indicated by the words 'but', 'yet' or 'and yet'. , Extended Metaphor - A sustained single thought or subject that is repeated to demonstrate a consistent thought, image or idea in a poem. , enjambment - The continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.,

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