Şimdiki Zaman - Present Continuous Tense, PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE SUFFIX IN TURKISH - -yor, The verb that ends with a consonant, last vowel : a, ı - -ıyor, The verb that ends with a consonant, last vowel : e, ie - -iyor, The verb that ends with a consonant, last vowel : o, u - -uyor, The verb that ends with a consonant, last vowel : ö, ü - -üyor, The verb that ends with a turns into ı , if the previous vowel: a, ı  - - ı yor, The verb that ends with : a turns into u , if the previous vowel: o, u - - u yor, The verb that ends with : e turns into i , if the previous vowel: e, i - - i yor, The verb that ends with : e turns into ü , if the previous vowel : ö, ü ou - - ü yor, Ben - - um, Sen - -sun, O  (NOT MANDATORY PERSONAL SUFFIX) - -(DUR), Biz - -uz, Siz - -sunuz, Onlar - -lar, I AM READING A BOOK - BEN KİTAP OKUYORUM, YOU ARE READING ABOOK - SEN KİTAP OKUYORSUN, HE-SHE IS READING A BOOK - O KİTAP OKUYOR, WE ARE READING A BOOK - BİZ KİTAP OKUYORUZ, YOU ARE READING A BOOK - SİZ KİTAP OKUYORSUNUZ, THEY ARE READING A BOOK - ONLAR KİTAP OKUYORLAR, -UM - BEN GELİYOR_____, -SUN - SEN GELİYOR______, -(DUR) NOT MANDATORY - O GELİYOR___, -UZ - BİZ GELİYOR_______, -SUNUZ - SİZ GELİYOR_____, -LAR - ONLAR GELİYOR_____,


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