1) понедельник a) Monday b) the whole week through c) swim in the pool d) play basketball 2) вторник a) activity of the day  b) swim in the pool c) Tuesday d) calendar 3) среда a) Wednesday b) on Sunday  c) the whole week through d) at the weekend  4) четверг a) Thursday b) Saturday c) Wednesday d) do gymnastics 5) пятница a) swim in the pool b) days of the week c) activity of the day  d) Friday 6) суббота a) Saturday b) Sunday c) on Tuesday d) swim in the pool 7) воскресенье a) Sunday b) activity of the day  c) play basketball d) calendar 8) дни недели a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) do gymnastics d) days of the week 9) на выходных a) swim in the pool b) at the weekend  c) days of the week d) have a music lesson 10) занятие дня a) activity of the day  b) Wednesday c) go to school d) Friday 11) всю неделю напролет a) Tuesday b) Saturday c) the whole week through d) busy 12) давай пойдем гулять a) Saturday b) calendar c) let’s go out d) play basketball 13) здорово a) Sunday b) days of the week c) great d) on Tuesday 14) во вторник a) activity of the day  b) Sunday c) on Tuesday d) days of the week 15) в воскресенье a) on Sunday  b) go to school c) busy d) swim in the pool

AS2 Unit 2 pp 18-19 quiz

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