topping - Something that is put on top of other food, filling - The food inside a sandwich, cake, etc., allergic to - Having an allergy, frozen - Food put at a very low temperature so it has become hard, raw - Not cooked, tinned - Food put in a tin to preserve it, boiled - Food cooked in water that is boiling, eat out - To eat in a restaurant, cut down on - To eat less of something, cut out - Stop eating a particular type of food, roast - To cook food in an oven or over a fire, baked - To cook inside an oven, without using added liquid or fat, spicy - Containing strong flavours from spices, tasty - Food that has a strong and very pleasant flavour, flavour - How food or drink tastes, sour - Having a sharp taste, like a lemon, and not sweet, steamed - Food cooked using steam, grilled - Cooked over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame,

B1_U3_ Food and Cooking Vocabulary

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