1) Where do you buy your groceries? 2) How often do you buy clothes? 3) Do you have a favourite shop? 4) What do you enjoy shopping for? 5) Do you shop online? 6) Do you prefer to shop alone or with friends? 7) Do you read or watch TV in bed? 8) What's the first thing you do when you wake up? 9) Do you spring out of bed in the morning or do you need more time to wake up? 10) How many hours sleep do you need? How many do you normally get? 11) Do you snore? 12) How long does it take you to fall asleep? 13) Are you a heavy or a light sleeper? 14) Can you usually remember your dreams? 15) What do you do if you can't sleep? 16) What are the most popular sports in your country? 17) Are there any sports you don't enjoy watching? 18) Do you support any sports teams? 19) What sports do you like to watch? 20) Do you play any sports? 21) If you could play any sport professionally, which sport would you choose? 22) Are you an early adopter or do you like to wait until something has been tried and tested before buying it? 23) Do you own any technology that is now obsolete? 24) What do you think is the most important invention in your lifetime? 25) Are you excited by new technology? 26) Do you think people rely too much on technology nowadays? 27) Would you like to own a robot that did most of the housework? 28) What modern gadget could you not live without? 29) Do you find any modern gadgets frustrating to use? 30) Can you remember being shocked by a television programme?

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