landscape - is everything you can see when you look across an area of land, including hills, rivers, buildings, trees, and plants, cave - is a natural hole in the ground, specifically a space large enough for a human to enter, cliff - a high area of land with a very steep side, especially one next to the sea, desert - a large area of land, usually in a hot region, forest - is a large area where trees grow close together, lake - is a large round area of fresh water, surrounded by land, mountain - is a very high area of land with steep sides, ocean - is one of the five very large areas of sea on the Earth's surface, river - a large amount of fresh water flowing continuously in a long line across the land, shore - of a sea, lake, or wide river is the land along the edge of it, valley - a low stretch of land between hills, volcano - is a mountain from which hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash from inside the Earth sometimes burst., waterfall - is a place where water flows over the edge of a steep, high cliff in hills or mountains, and falls into a pool below, deep - going a long way down from the top, shallow - opposite of deep, narrow - opposite of wide,
Solutions Pre Int Unit 2A Landscapes + Adjectives
solutions pre-intermediate
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