life imprisonment - sending sb to prison for the rest of their life, a community service - making the person do unpaid work in their local area, a driving ban - forbiding sb from driving for a certain period, hard labour - making sb do tough physical work, such as building roads, a fine - making sb pay certain amount of money to the state, a compensation order - making sb pay a certain amount of money to the victim, a suspended sentence - delaying a prison sentence so the person can improve their behaviour, capital punishment - killing sb, a prison sentence - putting sb in prison, house arrest - making sb remain at home for a certain period of time, life in prison - making sb spend the rest of one's life in prison with no chance of going back into society, released on bail - setting sb free untill the trial after paying a certain amount of money, released on parole - permission for a prisoner to be released before their period in prison is finished, with the agreement that they will behave well, youth detention centre - a type of prison where young people can be kept for short periods of time, caution - a spoken warning given by a police officer or official to someone who has broken the law,

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