1) What did the Pharisees and Sadducees ask Jesus to do? a) Teach them about God b) Show them a sign from heaven c) Tell why He did not keep the Sabbath d) Tell them a parable 2) Jesus was pleased that the Pharisees and Sadducees asked for another sign. a) True b) False c) He was indifferent 3) What had the disciples forgotten to bring? a) Bread b) Coffee c) Fish 4) What did Jesus want His followers to guard against? a) Storms on the lake b) The teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees c) Roman soldiers d) Judging others e) B & D 5) Who did the people say Jesus was, according to the disciples? (Mark all that apply) a) John the Baptist b) God's Son c) Elijah d) Jeremiah e) Matthew f) All of the above 6) Who did Peter say Jesus was? a) One of the great prophets b) The Messiah, the Son of the living God c) A good teacher 7) Why should the disciples not have been worried about forgetting bread? a) Because twice Jesus had miraculously fed many b) Because there were lots of markets to buy food c) Because Jesus' followers don't need to eat d) Because bread would not be needed 8) If Jesus asked you, "Who do you say I am?" what would you say? a) A good man b) A prophet c) God's son d) Savior e) John the Baptist f) Redeemer 9) What did Jesus say would happen to Him? a) He would overthrow Rome and become king. b) He would suffer, be killed, and be raised to life. c) He would move to another country to be safe. d) He would begin spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles. 10) What did Peter say to Jesus about this? a) "This is God's good plan." b) "This shall never happen to you!" c) "Take me with you." d) "Why would you say such a thing?" 11) What did Jesus tell His followers about their life? a) It would be comfortable. b) Their lives would be hard too. c) Whoever loses his life for me will find it. d) You will become rich. 12) What does Jesus promise His followers when He comes back in glory? a) Your sins will be forgiven. b) You will reign with me in glory. c) You will be seated at the right hand of God d) He will send angels to protect you. e) He will reward each person according to what he has done.

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