1) 'Where will you stay?' I asked her … a) if she would stay. b) where would she stay. c) where she would stay. 2) 'Have you eaten ALL the cake?' She asked me … a) if had I eaten all the cake. b) when I'd eaten all the cake. c) if I'd eaten all the cake. 3) 'How often do you use public transport?' She wanted to know … a) How often I used public transport. b) how I used often public transport. c) how often did I use public transport. 4) 'Did you see the parade?' She asked us … a) where we'd seen the parade. b) whether we'd seen the parade. c) if did we see the parade. 5) 'When had you last spoken?' I asked her ... a) whether they had last spoken. b) when they had last spoken. c) when have they last spoken. 6) 'What were you doing at the time?' She asked me … a) what I'd been doing at the time. b) what was I doing at the time. c) what had I been doing at the time. 7) 'Can she walk yet?' I wondered … a) could she walk yet. b) if can she walk yet. c) if she could walk yet. 8) 'What about having the party outside?' She suggested … a) about having the party outside. b) having the party outside. c) to have the party outside.

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