1) What is an adjective? a) An adjective is an invariable part of speech that modifies the meaning of the verb. b) An adjective is a word (or a part-of-speech) that modifies, describes, or qualifies a noun or a pronoun. c) An adjective is a word that takes the place of a noun. d) An adjective is a word used to name a specific place, a person, an idea or an object. e) An adjective is a word (or a part-of-speech) that does not modify and describe a noun or pronoun. f) An adjective is a word used to describe an action. 2) We use comparative adjectives to express that: a) A person, an animal or a thing never shows a high degree of quality than the other. b) Only one animal demonstrates a high degree of quality or is a better example of one quality than the other. c) A person, an animal, or a thing demonstrates a higher degree of one quality than the other, since they are not used to compare two nouns. d) People possess the same qualities. e) A person, an animal or a thing demonstrates a higher degree of a quality than the other, since they are used to compare and clarify the difference between two nouns. f) A person's qualities cannot be compared. 3) Indicate if the following statement is true or false: With most two-syllable adjectives, the comparative is formed by using "more" a) True, because if the one syllable adjective ends with an -e, we just add the -r at the end of the word. b) False, because penguins can’t fly. c) True, because you form the comparative by adding the word "more" before the adjective. d) False, because you form the comparative by adding the word "most" before the adjective. e) True, because you form the comparative by adding the word "than" before the adjective. f) None of the above. 4) Complete the following statement: To compare two people, ideas, animals, places or objects we often need to add the word ........ after the comparative adjective. a) More b) That c) Most d) Thus e) Than f) Biggest 5) Which of these words is a comparative adjective? a) Calmest b) The most attractive c) Coldest d) Worst e) Happier f) More boring 6) Which of these words is not a comparative adjective? a) Cleaner b) Shorter c) More expensive d) Tallest e) Uglier f) More intelligent 7) Complete the following statement: In most cases, if an adjective has only one syllable, the ending ......... is added to the adjective to make the comparative form. a) -est b) -er c) -ed d) -e e) -et f) -es 8) "Good" is an irregular adjective, therefore in the comparative form the ending -er cannot be added and likewise the word "more" cannot be placed before the adjective. Taking into account the above, what is the comparative form of the adjective "good"? a) Better b) Gooder c) Beter d) Most e) Less f) Goodest 9) Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective: My beautiful cat is ........ (fat) than my sister's cat. a) Most fat b) Fatest c) Fater d) More fatter e) Fatter f) More fat 10) Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective: Maggie Simpson is ....... (smart) than Lisa Simpson. a) Smartter b) Smarter c) Smartest d) Smarted e) More smarter f) The most smart 11) Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective: The stories and poems written by Howard Phillips Lovecraft are ............ (interesting) than the stories and poems created by Stephen King. a) Most interesting  b) Interested c) Interest d) More interesting e) Interesting f) More interested 12) Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective: Brazil is ....... (big) than Colombia. a) Biggert b) Bigger c) More bigger d) Most bigger e) More big f) Biggest 13) Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective: In the movie "Matilda", Miss Honey is ....... (kind) than Miss Trunchbull. a) More kind b) Most kinder c) Kindest d) Kinder e) More kinder f) Kindder 14) Complete the sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective: Jake the Dog is ....... (funny) than Finn the Human. a) Funnier b) Funier c) More funnier d) More fun e) Most funiest f) Funiest 15) What is the comparative of the irregular adjective "bad"? a) The worst b) The best c) Worse d) Less e) More f) Badder 16) Select the correct answer of the comparative form according to the image: a) The brown tortoise is faster than the leopard. b) The leopard is smaller than the brown tortoise. c) The brown tortoise is more famous than the leopard. d) The leopard is faster than the brown tortoise. e) The brown tortoise is cleaner than the leopard. f) The leopard is more interesting than the brown tortoise. 17) Select the two correct answers in the comparative form according to the image: a) The red boots are more expensive than red sneakers. b) The red boots are cheaper than the red sneakers. c) The red boots are heavier than red sneakers. d) The red sneakers are more expensive than the red boots. e) The red boots are darker than red sneakers. f) The yellow heels are brighter than the red boots. 18) Select the two correct answers in the comparative form according to the image: a) The room on the right side is wetter than the room on the left side. b) The room on the left side is messier than the room on the right side. c) The red room is higher than the blue room. d) The room on the right side is more boring than the room on the left side. e) The room on the left side is smaller than the room on the right side. f) The room on the right side is tidier than the room on the left side. 19) Select the four correct answers in the comparative form according to the image: a) Goku is taller than Krillin. b) Krillin is poorer than Goku. c) Krillin is younger than Goku. d) Goku is weaker than Krillin. e) Krillin is shorter than Goku. f) Goku is more muscular than Krillin. 20) What are superlative adjectives? a) They are nouns that specify the subject or pronoun of the sentence. b) They are adjectives that modify the verb of the sentence to a greater degree. c) They are adjectives that do not describe a quality of a person, a place, an animal or a thing in the highest or extreme (or lowest) degree. d) They are adjectives that describe a quality of a person, a place, an animal or a thing in the highest or extreme (or lowest) degree. e) They are adjectives that are used to compare two people or things, but are not used to highlight a greater quality of the object itself. f) An adjective is a word (or a part-of-speech) that modifies, describes, or qualifies a noun or a pronoun. 21) Complete the statement in the blanks: We use superlative adjectives when we make comparisons of ....... or ........ people, ideas, animals, places, or things. In short, we use superlatives to describe the extreme of a ........... of one thing in a group of things. a) one/ more / quality b) three / more / quality c) Two / less / quality d) three / more / verb e) three / more / noun f) None of the above 22) Complete the statement in the blanks: We usually add the ending ......... for ................... adjectives. However, in the case of adjectives that have three or more syllables and do not end in ........, we use the word ............ before the adjective to indicate a greater degree of something. a) -est / one-syllable / -y / more b) -er / two-syllable / -y/ most c) -est / three-syllable / -y / more d) er- / one-syllable / -ey / most e) -est / one-syllable / -y / most f) None of the above 23) One of the grammatical rules to form the superlative tells us that one-syllable adjectives that end in a consonant preceded by a vowel must double the last consonant and add the ending -est to the adjective. Given this rule, what is the superlative form of the adjective "sad"?  a) Sadder b) The saddest c) Most sad d) Most saddest e) More sadder f) The sadest 24) Complete the sentence: The superlative adjective is always preceded by the article ....... a) An b) A c) The d) That e) Than f) The superlative is not preceded by an article. 25) Which of the following words are superlative adjectives? a) The biggest b) The most delicious c) Thinner d) The best e) Wider f) The thinnest 26) Which of the following superlatives is wrong? a) The most peaceful b) The softest c) The most serious d) The strongest e) The most popular f) The most longest 27) Complete the sentence: The Asian continent has an approximate area of ​​44.5 million square kilometers, which represents about 30% of the land area on the planet, for this reason it is considered ............. continent on Earth. a) Largest b) The most large c) The more large d) The most largest e) The largest f) The larger 28) Complete with the superlative form: Legolas the elf is ................... (good) archer in Middle Earth. a) The worst b) The biggest c) The best d) The gooder e) Best f) The goodest 29) Complete with the superlative form: Even though Pepito is ............ (tall) player on the basketball team, none of the players wanted to play with him, since he is ............. (bad) player in the school. a) The taller / The worst b) The worst / The tallest c) The tallest / The badder d) The most tall / The most bad e) The tallest / The worst f) The most tallest / The worst 30) Complete with the superlative form: In my opinion, Spirited Away is ................... (magnificent) film of Studio Ghibli a) The most magnificentest b) The most magnificent c) Most magnificent d) The magnificent e) The most of magnificent f) Magnificent 31) Complete with the superlative form: What is ................... (dangerous) sport you have practiced so far? a) The most dangerouos b) Most dangerous c) Dangerousest d) The most dangeruos e) The most dangerous f) Most dangerouos 32) Complete with the superlative form: My grandmother’s garden is .............. (narrow) in the neighborhood. However, the flowers she has in her beautiful garden are ............... (colorful) of all. a) The narrowest / The most colorful b) Narrowest /  Colorful c) The narroweest / The most colorful d) The narrowest / Most colorful e) The narrowest / The colorfulest f) The most narrow / The most colorful 33) Complete with the superlative form: My neighbor’s house is ............. (old) house in my town, and many people have seen spirits lurking around her on the gloomy nights of October. Without a doubt, it is ........... (creepy) house in the place! a) The oldest / The most creepy b) The most old / The creepiest c) The olddest / The creepiest d) The older / The creepiest e) The oldest /  The creepiest f) The most old / The most creepy 34) Select the correct answer of the superlative form according to the image: a) My aunt’s banana pie is that tastiest cake I’ve ever tasted. b) My aunt’s banana pie is the tastiest cake I’ve ever tasted. c) My aunt’s banana pie is the tastieest cake I’ve ever tasted. d) My aunt’s banana pie is the most tastiest cake I’ve ever tasted. e) My aunt’s banana pie is the most tastier cake I’ve ever tasted. f) My aunt’s banana pie is most the tastiest cake I’ve ever tasted. 35) Select the correct answer of the superlative form according to the image: a) China is most populous country in the world. b) China is the most populousest country in the world c) China is the most populuos country in the world d) China is the more populous country in the world e) China is the populous country in the world. f) China is the most populous country in the world. 36) Select the correct answer of the superlative form according to the image: a) In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop was the most gluttonous of all the participants, because he wanted to eat everything he found. b) In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop was the gluttonous of all the participants, because he wanted to eat everything he found c) In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop was most gluttonous of all the participants, because he wanted to eat everything he found d) In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop was the more gluttonous of all the participants, because he wanted to eat everything he found e) In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop was the most gluttonos of all the participants, because he wanted to eat everything he found f) In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop was the most gluttonousest of all the participants, because he wanted to eat everything he found 37) What is the comparative and superlative of the adjective "far"? a) Farter / The farthest b) Farter / Fartest c) Farther / Fartheest d) Farther / The farthest e) More far / The most Far f) Farther / Most farthest 38) My brother is faster than my father, that's why he always beats him in family races. However, my father is smarter than my brother, as he always beats him playing chess or board games. -----> What is the superlative form of the comparative adjectives used in the previous sentence? a) Fastest / Smartest b) Most fastest / Most smartest c) Fastest / Smarteest d) Fasttest / Smarttest e) The most fast / The most smart f) Fastest / Smarttes 39) Complete the sentence using the comparative and superlative form: The ride we had today at Niagara Falls was ............ (peaceful) than the ride we had a month ago. Well, last time we visited New York on vacation and I can swear that it is ......... (noisy) city in the world. a) More peacefuler / The noisiest b) More peaceful / The most noisy c) More peaceful / The noisiest d) More peaceful / The more noisy e) More peacefuller / The noisiest f) More peaceful / The noissiest 40) Let's not forget that the structure of comparative adjectives is: a) Subject + adjective in comparative degree + than + another object or complement of the sentence b) Subject + verb + adjective in superlative degree + than + another object or complement of the sentence c) Subject + verb + adjective in comparative degree d) Verb + adjective in comparative degree + than + another object or complement of the sentence e) Subject + verb + adjective in comparative degree + than + another object or complement of the sentence f) Subject + verb + adjective in comparative degree + verb + another object or complement of the sentence 41) Let's not forget that the structure of superlative adjectives is: a) Subject + verb + definite article "the" + superlative adjective + object or complement of the sentence b) Subject + definite article "the" + superlative adjective + object or complement of the sentence c) Subject + verb + definite article "that" + superlative adjective + object or complement of the sentence d) Subject + verb + definite article "the" + superlative adjective  e) Verb + definite article "the" + superlative adjective + object or complement of the sentence f) Subject + verb + than + superlative adjective + object or complement of the sentence 42) What is the comparative and superlative of the adjective "little"? a) Bad / Worse b) Littler / Littlest c) More / The most d) Littleer / Littleest e) Less / The least f) More little / Most little


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