1) I ... (zawsze chciałam) to visit Milan! a) always wanted b) 've always wanted c) 'd always wanted d) used to want 2) Michael ... (rzadko się spóźnia) for school. a) seldom is late b) rarely is late c) rarely come late d) is seldom late 3) What ... (urocze dzieci) they have! a) lovely children b) a lovely children c) the lovely children d) such lovely 4) The bag ... (nie była dość duża) for me to pack all my things. a) wasn't enough big b) wasn't too big c) wasn't big enough d) was too small 5) Henry speaks ... (zarówno po francusku jak i) Spanish. a) both French and b) French as well c) either French or d) French and 6) She said ... (że zadzwoni) you later. a) she will call to b) she will call c) she would call to d) she would call 7) I think this is ... (najpiękniejszy) painting I've ever seen. a) the more beautiful b) the most beautiful c) beautifulest d) the beautifulest 8) Has she got ... (jakieś meble) in her new flat? a) any furniture b) any furnitures c) some furniture d) some furnitures 9) I hope you ... (znajdziesz) your ID soon. a) are going to find b) would find c) will find d) will be finding 10) This is the man ... (którego córka) is a famous fashion designer. a) who daughter b) whom daughter c) , whose daughter d) whose daughter 11) ... (Na Twoim miejscu), I'd take a dog from a kennel instead of buying one from a breeder. a) On your place b) In your place c) If I were you d) If I am you 12) We'll go home as soon as the last lesson ... (skończy się). a) will end b) will stop c) end d) ends 13) Karen ... (nie przyszła jeszcze). a) haven't already come b) hasn't already come c) hasn't come yet d) hasn't yet come 14) Let's wait ... (aż) the rain stops. a) unless b) until c) til d) as soon as 15) What time ... (mam zadzwonić do) you? a) shall I call b) shall I call to c) do I have to call d) do I have to call to 16) In my opinion, Justin Bieber is ... (gorszym wokalistą od) Justin Timberlake. a) badder singer from b) a badder singer than c) worse singer from d) a worse singer than 17) While we ... (pisaliśmy) our mock exam, the Headteacher came with a bowl of sweets. a) wrote b) have been writing c) were writing d) had been writing 18) My new glasses are ... (zupełnie inne od) my previous ones. a) completely different than b) completely other than c) completely different from d) different completely from 19) They (nie widzieli) śniegu before they came to Poland in January. a) didn't see b) haven't seen c) weren't see d) hadn't seen 20) It is ... (tak interesujący film) that I want to see it again tomorrow. a) so interesting film b) so an interesting film c) such interesting film d) such an interesting film 21) Lucy ... (ma) this bike since 2009. a) have b) has c) has got d) has had 22) Have you seen those grey clouds in the sky? ... (Będzie padał deszcz). a) It's going rain b) It's going to rain c) It will rain d) It will be raining 23) This cake ... (został zrobiony przez) my mum last night. a) made by b) made with c) was made by d) was made with 24) ... (Ile) time do you need to do this task? a) How much b) How often c) How many d) How lot 25) "I'm going to London next month." "... (Ja też)." a) I, too. b) I also. c) So I am. d) So am I. 26) Jason told me ... (żebym nie zgubił) his book. a) to not loose b) not to loose c) not to lose d) to not lose

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