1) What product did the animals harvest first? a) hay b) corn c) apples d) grass 2) When did the animals get rid of the men? a) In winter b) In autumn c) In summer d) In spring 3) Why did Boxer start his day's work earlier than others? a) To wake up others on time b) To put in some volunteer work c) To be a model for other animals d) To please the pigs 4) Who adopted 'I will work harder' as its motto? a) Boxer b) Napoleon c) Clover d) Benjamin e) Squealer 5) Which animal vanished and shirked the farm responsibilities? a) Moses b) The cat c) The sheep d) Benjamin e) Napoleon 6) What symbols were in the animal's flag? a) a leg and a head b) a horseshoe and a tail c) a horn and a hoof d) a wing and a leg 7) What did most animals struggle to learn? a) The numbers b) The Commandments c) Their roles d) The alphabet 8) Who decided to replace the Seven Commandments in one single maxim? a) Snowball b) Napoleon c) The three pigs d) Sheep, hens and ducks e) Boxer and Clover 9) What did Napoleon take from Jessie and Bluebell? a) Their food b) Their offspring c) Their dignity d) Their hopes 10) Why did the pigs need to be better fed than others? a) To do their job well. b) To avoid Jones could come back. c) To manage the farm better. d) To preserve their health. e) To work harder 11) What was spread across all over the area thanks to the pigeons? a) The song 'Beasts of England' b) The rumors of Animal Farm c) News about Napoleon's rules d) The prophecy of Animals over Men 12) When Mr. Jones attempted the recapture of the farm, did animals expect that move? a) Yes b) No c) Not mentioned 13) Who led the attacks against the men when these tried to seize the farm? a) Napoleon b) Boxer c) Snowball d) Muriel e) Not mentioned in the story 14) How was Snowball injured during the battle? a) Jones shot him. b) Jones stabbed him. c) Jones scratched him. d) Snowball hit Mr. Jones e) Snowball fell off 15) How did Boxer feel after knowing he had killed a man? a) Happy b) Relieved c) Disappointed d) Regretful 16) What did Snowball want to tell with his speech after the battle? a) To be together no matter what b) To die for Animal Farm if need be c) To fight as Animal Heroes d) To join forces against men 17) Which animal died during the attack because of men' s actions? a) A goose b) A cow c) A horse d) A sheep e) Not mentioned in the story 18) Why was the battle named 'Battle of the Cowshed'? a) Because it was the farm's name. b) Because it took place in there. c) Because it was an inspiring name. d) Because it was the place for meetings. e) Not mentioned in the story 19) When did the Battle of the Cowshed take place? a) October 02 b) October 12 c) November 22 d) Not mentioned in the story e) mid March 20) What was Napoleon's role during the attack? a) Being in the front line b) Attacking Mr. Jones c) Telling others what to do d) Not mentioned in the story

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