P: It’s International Friendship ____! Phone 005468976 and tell me about your best ____. P: ____, caller one! T: Hi! I’m Tom. ____ best friend is my cousin Monica. She’s ____. Monica’s from ____. Now she’s in the UK with her family. P: ____ you, Tom! P: Our next caller is Maria from Argentina.M: Hello. My best friend’s ____ is Jack. P: How do you ____ Jack? M: J-A-C-K. He isn’t ____ Argentina. He’s Chinese. Oh, and he’s two years old! P: That’s interesting! Thank you, Maria! P: Caller three is Juan. Hello, Juan!J: Hi! My two best friends ____ my classmates. They’re my ____, Giorgia and Toni. They’re ____ Italy. Hello, Giorgia and Toni! P: ____, Juan! Happy Friendship Day everyone!

Script of International friendship day program GG 1 1.5

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