same - Match with the word that means the same thing as equal, last - Match with the word that means the same thing as final, mistake - Match with the word that means the same thing as error, noise - Match with the word that means the same thing as commotion, far - Match with the word that means the same thing as distant, answer - Match with the word that means the same thing as reply, hard - Match with the word that means the same thing as difficult, spoil - Match with the word that means the same thing as ruin, hold - Match with the word that means the same thing as contain, hurt - Match with the word that means the same thing as pain, protect - Match with the word that means the same thing as defend, below - Match with the word that means the same thing as beneath, surprise - Match with the word that means the same thing as astonish, stream - Match with the word that means the same thing as brook, swell - Match with the word that means the same thing as bulge,

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