burst into applause - suddenly start clapping, excited about - looking forward to sth, full of - have a lot of sth, funeral - a ceremony in connection with a burial, generosity - willingness to give, give out - to distribute, (in) honour - to show great respect for sb/sth, in advance - before sth, in charge - have the control, logo - a small design used by an organisation to identify itself, make it up - to invent sth, usually a story or lie, make out - to manage to see or hear sth with difficulty, make up - to become friends again, make up for - compensate, march - walk in a group in a regular step, on display - arranging goods/objects for people to look at, pace - walk at a specific speed, praise - admire, honour, compliment, retirement - the time when a worker leaves his job and stops working completely, roast - cooked food in an oven or over a fire, route - a way from one place to another, senseless - happening for no good reason, foolish, shamrock - plant with three leaves on each stem, sign - a mark or shape that always has a particular meaning, speechless - temporarily unable to speak because of shock, surprise, etc, symbol - sth that is used to indicate sth else, take place on - happen at a certain time, thanks to - because of,

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