1) What scientific subjects did you have to study in school? What did you enjoy the most/least? 2) Is there a scientist (live or dead) who you admire? Why do you admire them? 3) Which scientific subjects do you think have actually taught you something useful? 4) Are there any scientific discoveries that you wish hadn't been made? 5) What do you think is the most important scientific discovery of recent years? Why? 6) If you were sick, would agree to be a guinea pig for a new kind of treatment? 7) Are you OK with eating genetically modified food? Why (not)? 8) Do you think it's okay for animals to be used in experiments? Does it make a difference if the experiments are for cosmetic or medical research? 9) Are you worried about any of the things scientists are currently doing research on/experimenting with? 10) What would you most like scientists to discover in the near future?

AEF 8 10A: Science Speaking

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