1) Può ripetere per favore? a) Say that again. b) Could you say that again, please? c) Please, what? 2) Mi scusi, non ho capito. a) Can I go out? b) Can I come to the blackboad? c) I'm sorry I didn't understand. 3) Posso rispondere alla domanda? a) Can I answer the question? b) Can I speak? c) Can I say the question? 4) Per quando sono i compiti? a) Where is the homework for? b) When is the homework? c) What is the homework for? d) When is the homework for? 5) Posso andare alla lavagna? a) Can I sit down? b) Can I go to the blackboard? c) Can I go out? d) Can I go home? 6) Posso chiudere le tende? a) Can I close the curtains? b) Can I open the window? c) Can I open the curtains? d) Can I close the window? 7) Posso aprire le tende? a) Can I open the windows? b) Can I close the curtains? c) Can I the curtains? d) Can I open the curtains? 8) Posso accendere/spegnere le luci? a) Can I the lights? b) Can I switch the lights? c) Can I switch on/off the lights? d) Can I switch up/down the lights? 9) Posso aprire la finestra? a) Can I open the window? b) Can I close the window? c) Can I switch the window? d) Can I pull the window? 10) Posso chiudere la finestra? a) Can I open the window? b) Can I close the window? c) Can I switch on the lights? d) Can I open the curtains? 11) Mi potrebbe aiutare per favore? a) Could you help? b) Could I help you? c) Can I go out? d) Could you help me, please? 12) Come si dice .......... in inglese? a) How do you say? b) What do you say? c) How do you say ..... in English? 13) Cosa significa ......... in italiano? a) What does .............. mean in Italian? b) How does .......... mean in Italian? c) What is it in Italian? 14) A che pagina siamo? a) What page are? b) Where are we on? c) What page are we on? d) Are we what page? 15) Ho finito l'esercizio. a) Have you finished the exercise? b) I've finished the exercise. c) I haven't finished the exercise. 16) Possiamo mettere vie le nostre cose? a) Can we pack our things now? b) We pack our things now! c) Can we go now?


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