What are the 2 body communication systems (what are the 2 [organ] systems that send messages through the body), What are the 4 major glands in the body?, The anterior pituitary is a small gland in the brain, yet it secretes ______ a very important hormone that stimulates __________, the enlargement of tissues, I release hormones that can increase the metabolism of tissues, increase protein synthesis, and can increase the number and size of mitochondria. What gland am I?, We know that the adrenal gland secretes the fight or flight hormones. Create a scenario starting from when a stressor is initiated on the body a fight/flight response. And name the physiological processes that happen., When there is a high blood glucose level, what does the pancreas release?, When blood glucose decreases, the pancreas releases _______ to do ________ (2 answers), Nervous System is _______ communication. Has a ____ response; ____ term communication, Endocrine System is ______ communication. Has a ____ response; ____ term communication, Hormones released from endocrine glands do what?, I build tissues & organs, stimulate fat metabolism, and promote muscle growth. What is my name and where did I come from?, I secrete T3 and T4. What am I, Increases in protein synthesis, # & size of mitochondria, glucose uptake, and rates of glycolysis & gluconeogenesis is from what hormone(s)?, I cause the “flight or fight” response, what gland am I?, I like to speed up glycogenolysis, heart rate, contractice force, & blood pressure. Who am I?, I cause protein catabolism and stimulate gluconeogenesis. Can you identify me & my home?, Hi, I like to reduce high blood glucose levels. But my annoying neighbor Is such an antagonistic hormone & does always does the opposite of me. Who is my neighbor?, I am usually stimulated by the hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla, adrenal cortex, anterior pituitary, and pancreas. What process am I?, When discussing storage of fuel in the body, how much PCr is available?, When discussing storage of fuel in the body, how much glucose/glycogen is available, Please describe what happens when we “hit the wall” in exercise, Is it likely for us to run out of fat?, What are the fates of pyruvate?, When is accumulation of Pi in short duration and give me a real-world example, What does the accumulation of Pi in short duration impair? And why is this bad?, What does the accumulation of Lactate in short duration do?, Pyruvate is converted into what when entering the Krebs cycle, and what is that eventually converted into in the Krebs cycle, What does GH stand for?, Which hormone release is proportional to exercise intensity?, What hormone is the easiest for you to understand and why?, What is the RER equation?, What is the Fick Equation for VO2?, Describe a plateau in VO2, Is it easy to reach the plateau in VO2 max?, . RER of 0.70=, You have a VCO2 of 6 and a VO2 of 6. What is your RER and what percent of CHO are you using?, If I have an RER >1.0, what does that mean?, The crossover concept happens because.., We have a 157 lb athlete running on a treadmill who is attached to a metabolic cart. He breathes a total of 20 L of O2. He is running for 12 minutes. What is his absolute VO2?, I have a relative VO2 of 19.27 ml/kg/min. I worked out for 10 min and I weigh 88 kg. How many METS does this equal? How many kcals?, 5 Mets = ? ml/kg/min (relative VO2).

Kines 118 SI 10/13/22


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