heredity - the passing of traits from parents to offspring. , Quantify - how much , Dominant allele - is one whose traits always show up in an organism when the allele is present, Recessive allele - is hidden whenever the dominate allele is present , Probability - is a number that describes how likely it is that an event will occur , Genotype - an organism's genetic makeup or combination of alleles , Phenotype - The organism's physical appearance or visible traits , Chromosomes - a threadlike structure within a cell's nucleus that contains DNA that is passes from one generation to the next , cell cycle - the series of events in which a cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form two daughter cells , pedigree - a tool that geneticists used to map out the inheritance of traits , meiosis - the process that occurs in the formation of sex cells ( sperm and egg) by which the number of chromosomes is reduced by half , mitosis - the second stage of the cell cycle during which the cell's nucleus divides into new nuclei and one set of DNA i distributed into each daughter cell , DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid; the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring , Protein synthesis - the process by which amino acids link together to form proteins, Messenger RNA - the type of RNA that carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to ribosomes in the cytoplasm, Transfer RNA - Type of RNA in the cytoplasm that carries an amino acid to the ribosomes during protein synthesis , variation - any difference between individuals of the same species , sex chromosomes - are the pair of chromosomes carrying genes that determined whether a person is biologically male or female , autosomal chromosomes - 22 pairs of chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes, mutation - is any change in the DNA of a gene or chromosome. , sex-lined genes  - are genes carried on a sex chromosomes , Artificial selection - the process by which humans breed only those organisms with desired traits to produce the next generation, genetic engineering - the transfer of a gene from the DNA of one organism into another organism, in order to produce an organism with desired traits , gene therapy - the process of replacing an absent or faulty gene with a normal working gene to treat a disease or medical disorder , clone - An organism that is genetically identically to the organism from which it was produced , genome - the complete set of genetic information that an organism carries its DNA,

8th grade u4 Vocab patterns of inhertance

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