colossus - an enormous structure, cosmopolitan - worldly; sophisticated, deluge - (n.) - a great flood or something that overwhelms like a flood, douse - (v.) - to drench, saturate, exorbitant - excessive, domicile - (n.) - a residence, a home, ruse - trick, sanguine - (adj.) - cheery, optimistic, hopeful, verbose - wordy, winsome - charming, attractive, aphorism - a short saying, elucidate - to clarify, jubilant - joyful, happy, malevolent - having intent to hard others, guile - (n.) - deceitful actions or behavior, meager - (adj.) - lacking in quality stature, placate - to soothe, appease, pungent - (adj.) - having a sharp, strong quality especially related to smell,

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