1) 1 During the dog days of summer, I don’t do anything but relax and go swimming. a) The hottest days b) The longest days c) The days when dogs bark the most 2) 2 The children really enjoyed the Indian summer because they could go to the beach. a) a. A kind of summer camp Indian-themed b) b. A summer in the nature c) c. An unusual warm period in Autumn 3) 3 I really learned how to travel on a shoestring when I studied abroad. a) a. To travel on foot b) b. To travel with a low budget c) c. To travel 4) 4 We’re hoping to get off the beaten path on our next trip to the UK. a) a. To use a car or any other transport b) b. To avoid fighting with other tourists c) c. To visit places that are not so popular or frequently visited 5) 5 Sandra can’t wait to lie by the pool and soak up some sun. a) a. To sunbathe b) b. To lie under the beach umbrella trying not to get sunburnt c) c. To show everybody how fit you are in your swimsuit 6) 6 Sandy and Danny started out as a summer fling; after that, they discovered they were going to the same high school! a) a. Friends that you make during your holidays b) b. A couple that met during the summer holidays c) c. People that met while bungee-jumping 7) 7 I’m going to beat the heat by going to the cinema today. a) a. To keep fit by doing exercise (and sweating alone) b) b. To avoid high temperatures with refreshing activities c) c. To do something when you are really bored 8) 8 In Finland I was able to go kayaking under the midnight sun. a) a. The sky at night when it’s full of stars b) b. A summer night as hoy as the day c) c. The sun that is visible at midnight during the summer in the arctic and antarctic

Summer Idioms

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