1) Sandra ___________ in a hospital. She's a nurse. a) work b) workies c) works 2) My brother ____________ computer games every day.  a) playes b) play c) plays 3) They ___________ Russian, they are from Russia. a) speaks b) speak c) speakes 4) Their parents ____________ to the news everyday. a) listens b) listen c) listenes 5) Mark _____________ in London.  a) livies b) lives c) live 6) Sara _________ to the cinema the weekends. a) goes b) go c) gos 7) Her son ________ TV every night. a) watch  b) watches c) watchs 8) My sister always ___________ water before breakfast. a) drink b) drinkes c) drinks 9) My friend _________ eggs for breakfast. a) eats b) eat c) eates 10) He ________ to marry me! a) want b) wants c) wantes 11) My nephew ________ maths a lot. a) studys b) study c) studies 12) My uncle ______ the newspaper every day. a) read b) reads c) reades 13) Her brother ________ vegan food. a) likies b) likes c) like 14) My friend _______ two sisters and one brother. a) have got b) haves got c) has got

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