Aristotle - 'Politics', Machiavelli - 'The Prince', Marx & Engels - 'The Communist Manifesto', Marx & Engels - 'Das Kapital', Kant - 'The Critique of Pure Reason', Smith - 'The Wealth of Nations', Smith - 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments', St Augustine - 'Confessions', St Augustine - 'The City of God', Kant - 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals', Heidegger - 'Being & Time', Nietzche - 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', Nietzche - 'Beyond Good and Evil', Wittgenstein - 'Philosophical Investigations', Wittgenstein - 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus', Rousseau - 'The Social Contract', Rousseau - 'Emile', Rousseau - 'Discourse on Inequality', Montesquieu - 'The Spirit of the Laws', Descartes - 'Discourse on the Method', Descartes - 'Meditations of First Philosophy', Hobbes - 'Leviathan',

Philosophers and their books - Western philosophy

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