________children over five has to go to school in England., Although it was my birthday and not my wife's, Mary brought a present for of us____________., Would you like to take ___________of these two dresses, madam ?, There are five secretaries in our office. ____________of them can speak at least one foreign language., Jill and Linda are sisters. ________of them want to get married next year., I saw two lovely hand-bags in a shop this morning. They were so nice that I bought them________., A few letters came this morning, but _ _ _ _ _ of them were for me., John and I couldn't get into the house because _ _ _ _ _ of us had a key., We tried a lot of hotels, but _ _ _ _ _ of them had any rooms., Don't worry. ___________of these foods contain nuts, I remember that you are allergic to them., I think __________people like chocolate., I burnt ________my hands when I took the roast out of the oven..

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