--- lot of - a lot of, all of --- sudden - all of a sudden, as --- rule - as a rule, at --- glance - at a glance, for --- long time - for a long time, in --- loud voice - in a loud voice, in --- way - in a way, in --- whisper - in a whisper, It's --- pity! - It's a pity!, it's --- waste of time - it's a waste of time, to tell --- joke - to tell a joke, at --- baker's - at the baker's, by --- way - by the way, in --- afternoon - in the afternoon, in --- past - in the past, in --- street - in the street, just --- same - just the same, on --- one hand - on the one hand, on --- left - on the left, --- day before yesterday - the day before yesterday, --- only place - the only place, to --- right - to the right, to go to --- theatre - to go to the theatre, to go to --- country - to go to the country, to make --- bed - to make the bed, to play --- quitar - to play the quitar, to weather --- storm - to weather the storm, to go --- home - to go home, to go to --- church - to go to church, to go to --- town - to go to town, to leave --- school - to leave school, to make --- use of - to make use of, at --- present - at present, at --- sunset - at sunset, at --- work - at work, at --- times - at times, by --- mistake - by mistake, by --- night - by night, by --- phone - by phone, by --- post - by post, for --- relaxation - for relaxation, in --- conclusion - in conclusion, from --- time to --- time - from time to time, in --- town - in town, on --- business - on business, on --- sale - on sale, to be all --- home - to be all home, to be in --- hospital - to be in hospital, to do --- research - to do research, to have great --- fun - to have great fun, to arrive by ---car - to arrive by car,

Употребление артиклей в устойчивых сочетаниях mix 3

Papan Peringkat

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