1) Contains the purposes of the US Government such as "form a more perfect union" and "ensure domestic tranquility". a) The 7 Articles b) The Bill of Rights c) The Preamble 2) Creates the blueprint for the Federal Government. a) The 7 Articles b) The Bill of Rights c) The Preamble 3) Contains protections for the people and the states from the Federal Government. a) The 7 Articles b) The Bill of Rights c) The Preamble 4) Begins with "We the people...", which outlines that power of the government comes from the people. a) The 7 Articles b) The Bill of Rights c) The Preamble 5) The Constitution states that there is a ______ two step process to changing the document, which has been done ______ times. a) Complex, 27 b) Simple, 27 c) Complex, 10 d) Simple, 10 6) The first step to amending the Constitution is action by Congress or Convention, and the second step is... a) Ratification by the States b) Ratification vote by the Citizens 7) 1st Amendment Freedoms: Individuals may peacefully gather. a) Religion b) Speech c) Press d) Assembly e) Petition 8) 1st Amendment Freedoms: Government may not establish an official religion. a) Religion b) Speech c) Press d) Assembly e) Petition 9) 1st Amendment Freedoms: Individuals may make views known to public officials (taking signatures). a) Religion b) Speech c) Press d) Assembly e) Petition 10) 1st Amendment Freedoms: Individuals may express beliefs and opinions (speaking). a) Religion b) Speech c) Press d) Assembly e) Petition 11) 1st Amendment Freedoms: Media can gather and print info & government criticisms. a) Religion b) Speech c) Press d) Assembly e) Petition 12) Which amendment guarantees all citizens five basic freedoms? a) 1st b) 5th c) 10th d) 14th 13) Which amendment defines citizenship as all persons born or naturalized in the US and prohibits the state and local government from acting in an unfair manner? a) 1st b) 5th c) 10th d) 14th 14) Which amendment guarantees due process from the Federal Government? a) 1st b) 5th c) 10th d) 14th 15) Which amendment states that the powers not given to the Federal Government are reserved for the states? a) 1st b) 5th c) 10th d) 14th

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