plane - 飛機, plum - 李子、梅子, black - 黑色(的), blue - 藍色(的), clock - 時鐘, cloud - 雲, glad - 高興的, glasses - 眼鏡(pl.複數), clown - 小丑, glass - 玻璃(sg.單數), block - 街區, play - 玩耍、演奏(樂器), plug - 插頭, glue - 膠水, class - 班級、課、各位同學, He's drawing a cloud on a plane. - 他正在飛機上畫一朵雲。, Uncle Ben puts on his glasses and catches the fly. - Ben叔叔戴上他的眼鏡,並抓蒼蠅。,

Quiz Dino 8 Starter Unit Phonics 自然發音測驗

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